Edidah Mary Mujinya
Edidah was a school chaplain, gained a PhD from Makerere University, served as the Provincial President of the Mothers Union for the Church of Uganda.
Edidah-Mary was an orphan whose guardians could not afford funding for her secondary education. Basic teacher training was free in Uganda. In 1994 the Foundation paid for her 3-year BD course, the springboard for fulfilling her potential. She now has a Masters and PhD from Makerere University enabling her to be Vice Chancellor of Ankole West University which already has 1000 students. From 2006 she was the Provincial President of the Mothers Union for the Church of Uganda. She and Abiaz have six children. As one of the first ‘Daughters of Li Tim-Oi’ she was the preacher at Li Tim-Oi’s 70th anniversary service in London on 25 January 2014. Read her testimony here.